Diversity In Education By Frank Bruni

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Frank Bruni feels that colleges should work towards changing the troubling social and political sectors of the American society. According to Bruni; teaching the students the same ideas in the classroom over and over again creates a pattern of the same reading, interaction, and thinking approaches amongst the students that makes them to practice the same cultural practices and politics that has always existed and thus live within an average income rate that all other Americans live in. Bruni is accusing colleges of simply preparing students for a lucrative job or simply employment so that they earn a living and stay comfortable within their employment zone, but it does not teach them how to break form the existing patterns of the community …show more content…

The diversity comes along with the friends one keeps and how their friends influence their social behaviors. College offers a chance for learning different and most often new perspectives in life and also provides a platform for bridging the students’ divides or differences. It provides the students with a new opportunity to construct their lives a fresh irrespective of their initial lives in high school. However, most of the students do not take advantage of the diversity in college but instead try to make the college life as comfortable as possible. They try to stick to their high school way of life as much as possible instead of exploring a different lifestyle. They tend to replicate their friends from high school, and join groups that are similar to the ones they previously belonged to in high school. Instead of taking advantage of the diverse networking opportunity available in college, they keep friends who are not diverse in their perceptions and way of life. “They prefer to keep friends who share the same ideas and believe as theirs and thus their characters turn into lifelong habits that stick even after they leave school for the employment world”

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