Richard Copper's Response To The Dangers Of Smart Phones

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Response In today’s world smart phone has become popular around the world. Smartphones are like people 's ' new best friends. Using smart phone, we can talk to our friends and family member whenever we want, we can play games to entertain ourselves, and we can also use smartphones to watching videos, getting a direction, and surfing the web. Ever though smartphones seem overwhelming, however, there are various disadvantages of using a smart phone such as conversation killer. Therefore my responses to the article “Flick, Flick” are about how smartphones kills conversation, and how smartphone are useful. In the beginning, I believed Smartphones are a great tool to communicate with our friends and family member when we feel lonely, however, after reading this article I have realized, what smartphones have done to humans. I agree with Rand, Richard Copper when …show more content…

For example, after going home from school, I would be on my cell phone like a monkey not knowing what’s going on because I live in my own little world. I prefer living in my own world because; I don’t want anyone to interact with my personal life. I come from the town where technology was far any, when I moved to USA the most advance tech available in my town was television. There were neither computer nor cellphones; everyone played games like cricket. Everything was different when I went back to my home town last year, no one had time to talk to anyone because everyone using there cellphone or computers. I was so surprised when I show five-year-old kid using smartphone and when I asked him whose smartphone is it and he replied, “That’s my phone”. After seeing five year old using a smartphone I believe that smartphones are way popular in India than many other

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