Sleeping With The Devil by Robert Baer

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Robert Baer’s “Sleeping With The Devil”, is a very interesting book. This book is actually a critique from Baer, who was Central Intelligence Officer (CIA). It describes the relationship that the Americans had with Saudia Arabia. Baer was concerned about how much the relationship between the two was very hypocritical to the American values and that it put the US economy in jeopardy. When it comes to the book’s main theme and points it includes; that America’s corruption on cheap oil and political stability in the Middle East was also a lucrative business relationship, America is vulnerable to economic disaster and risks of terrorism, and that America is blinded by low prices and are not seeing how culturally bribing Saudia Arabia is along with its Islamic beliefs.
In the book it showed that America had a deal with the Saudi’s to get oil at the cheapest and most reasonable prices. America had been depending on their oil for years and built a corrupted relationship that could erupt at anytime. The Saudi’s are a very corrupt group of people and they have rubbed off on America. They live very extravagant lifestyles and spend more than the stipends that they receive from their families. They also are involved in crimes and illegal activities to help pay for some of their expenses. Unfortunately, America may have been involved in the secretive activities that Washington does not want the rest of the country to know. America also has to stay in the Saudi’s political affairs as well. They have to make sure that they are at a mutual agreement with every decision dealing with the U.S and the natural resources.
The first oil drilled there in Saudi Arabia was in 1938 by the engineer Tom Barger. Saudi became the large...

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...commit to the Islamic beliefs. As of right now money is the main attraction and concern for he Saudis instead of religion beliefs.
In conclusion, Baer included plenty of information in his book/critique about situations with the Americans and the Saudi family. The relationship between the two seems to show a love and hate connection. The title states “sleeping with the devil” and the reader can conclude that Baer was probably intending that the Americans were sleeping with their enemies as appose to someone sleeping to with the devil. There is a lot of details in this book but when looked at in a whole there is a theme of corruption. The Americans defenselessness with the Saudi family shows how blinded they can be in a mixed situation.

Works Cited

Baer, Robert. 2003. Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington sold our sol for Saudi Crude. New York: Crown.

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