Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation

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Classrooms where productive discourse is utilized successfully do not just happen, but instead require educators to adequatly and thoroughly prepare. When creating lessons in which discourse is to be utilized Chapin, O’Connor and Anderson(2013) contend that educators must consider the goals of the lesson, anticipate confusion, brainstorm and develop questions to use as part of the facilitation of the discussion, and finally plan the implementaiton of the lesson delivery.
In order to develop a lesson in which students will gain understanding of the concept to be taught, educators must have a firm idea of the mathematics that will be the center of the discussion. Parrish (2010) suggests that educators should plan in advance the order of problems to be presented and which strategies that are the target of the lesson. This is supported by Chapin, O’Connor and Anderson (2013) who recommend that educators list ahead of time the key concepts, and along with this a list of possible strategies. They also believe that educators should find the solution for themselves using as many strategies as possible in an effort to flesh out possible methods and ideas that may be shared during conversations. In addition, they advocate the development of lists that include vocabulary related to the content and forms of representations and computational methods that are at the core of the concept. Through thoughtful planning these math talks can enable teachers to help students build connections among ideas, discover computational strategies and their connections to algorithms, and most importantly, these talks help students connect computational procedures to concepts. Educators must be mindful of the concept, goal and objective when determini...

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