The Symbol Of Sin, By Hester Prynne

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Hester Prynne lived in a society of the Puritans. Puritans stuck to their beliefs and heavily enforced them. She was forced to follow these laws, and couldn’t break free. Hester became the biggest symbol of sin once she had committed the most impure action of all, adultery. She had become a figure of evil and was shamed upon for the rest of her life. Yet, in all of the shame she lived through, she was able to become a stronger woman. The “A”, the symbol of sin began to mean much more to her than just a sin. It cleared up her imagery, gave her the ability to see things others couldn’t. Doing what was seen as the most evil possible sin, she couldn’t possibly do anything worse. Hester isolated herself from what her society, the Puritans, believe is right, and did what she wanted to. Hester gained freedom by breaking these boundaries. “She had cast aside her link to society like pieces of a broken chain. The world’s law did not restrict her mind (Hawthorne 180). Hester didn’t follow society's expectations and by doing so, she had a mind of her own. She proved that women weren’t bound to seek men or social approval. Hester began believing hopelessly in equality …show more content…

Wearing the scarlet letter was done to please society, but it also maintained her individuality. She respected the rules placed, but she didn’t let it dictate her life entirely. Hester’s strength roots from her indifference with society’s opinion. Resulting from her punishment of her scarlet letter arose the purity of her new independent moral code. With the scarlet letter, Hester became much more independent, and began to follow her own morals, not those of others. the scarlet letter may have consumed her exterior, but inside she was stronger than anyone could imagine. She made her own choices, and by doing so she knew for herself what was right and what

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