Significance of the Sibling Relationship As A Contributor to Children's Development

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Gene Brody in his article "Siblings' Direct and Indirect Contributions to Child Development" reveals significance of the sibling relationship as a contributor to children’s development. Author suggests that the interactions between siblings affects social and cognitive development of younger children. Three major points were pertaining to child's development: parental differential treatment, siblings' direct and indirect contributions. Often in families oldest child becomes not only older sister or brother but also teacher and caregiver for younger child, that directly influence on the both parties: oldest child develops responsibility, becomes more self-concern and quick learner, whereas youngest becomes more sensitive to people feelings and beliefs. Also, aggressiveness of oldest child may cause negative respond on youngest child development, leading the poor school performance and difficulties of building peer relationships. As a second contribution to the child development Brody points on the experience with older children, which indirectly influence on the parenting strat...

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