Sigmund Freud's Edipus Complex

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“A boy’s best friend is his mother” Norman Bates, “Psycho”. According to Freud, “Oedipus complex is a passage that all male children go through in their childhood.” What is Oedipus complex, why do people have it? Oedipus complex is; “it is a desire for sexual involvement, during the crucial stage of development in a man, with his mother and an affiliated sense of rivalry with his father” (According to Psychoanalytic Theory). Oedipus complex has a root in Greek myth about Oedipus. Oedipus complex is so strong in human beings that it conceives the superego while overcoming this phenomenon. Superego is the moral factor that dominates the conscious adult mind. Even though none of us wants to acknowledge the fact that our relationships with our parents are one of hate and love, it happens. Most people feel love towards the person who take care of them the most, which is usually the mother, and then the feel that their father is the rival. As children, we always seem to feel the need to have our mother’s attention and when someone gets in the way of that bond, we start to feel jealousy to...

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