The Side Effects Of Antidepressants : An Overview

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Marina Eskandrous Senior Project: Assignment 1: Article: “Side effects of antidepressants: An Overview” According to the DSM5 major depressive describes a person who is in a depressed mood for most of the day, nearly everyday. The person also has a diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the time. There may be significant weight loss or gain as a result of decrease or increase of appetite, respectively. The person may also experience insomnia or hyper insomnia nearly everyday. There may also be a consistent feeling of fatigue or loss of energy. Usually in major depression, there are feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt. It is also common to have a diminished ability to think, concentrate, or experience indecisiveness. All of these symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. (DSM 5, 160-161) Antidepressant are a form of pharmacotherapy treatment developed to treat the symptoms of major depression. Antidepressants are used for many other types of conditions including anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, dysthymia, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, and substance abuse, pain syndromes, gastrointestional disorders. Antidepressants usually require several weeks to notice significant effects. There are no antidepressants or any medication that is completely free of adverse effects. This article explains that the adverse effects of antidepressant can decrease compliance and slow down the rate of recovery. It is important for one to take note of potential side-effects before choosing the best antidepressant to suit their personalized needs. Statistics show that about 28 percent of patients sto... ... middle of paper ... ...n also occur. This can occur due to increased serotonin at the synaptic levels which causes inhibition of the release of dopamine through specific presynaptic serotonin receptor subtypes. Another typical side-effect includes bleeding such as brusing, epistaxis, and gastrointestinal bleeding. SSRIs inhibit platelet functions and this could lengthen the time and risk of bleeding. When serotonin receptors are hyperstimulated, a condition called serotonin syndrome can occur. This syndrome brings about nausea, diarrhea, restlessness, delirium, extreme agitation, seizure, hyperreflexia, and many other symptoms. This syndrome can occur if SSRIs are taken together with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (a member of a different class of antidepressants). Abruptly discontinuing SSRIs with a short half-life can cause discontinuation syndrome after the drug is no longer in the body.

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