Siddhartha's Journey of Self-Actualization in Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha

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In “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha is put to the test to find inner enlightenment while trying to discover himself. He must work through the hardships and overcome loosing himself along the way.

Siddhartha began his adolescence with learning the ways of Brahman in hopes to find enlightenment by following the footsteps of his father. He lived along with his best friend Govinda but slowly grew discontent with his life. He felt empty and was hungry for something new. “that the wise Brahmans already revealed to him the most and the best of their wisdom, that they had already filled his expecting vessel with their richness, and the vessel was not full, the spirit was not content, the soul was not calm, the heart was not satisfied” (page 6). Siddhartha was in search of a more refreshing spiritual fulfillment, which resulted in his decision to become a samana. After years of meditation and fasting once again he felt like he was missing something.

Govinda and Siddhartha were in search to find a well spoken about Buddha named Gotama known as the “the one”. Govinda soon joins the ...

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