Why Should Tobacco Be Banned?

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The tobacco is the most dangerous and creepiest produce in the history of human civilization (Proctor, 2012). There are 6 million people die each year because of tobacco. More than 5 million of those, who are death because of smoking while more than 600000, who are non-smokers being influenced to the tobacco smoke. Furthermore, most of the people, who use cigarettes, are come from the low or middle-income countries. Besides, in several countries, children from poor families usually work in tobacco farming to take care of their family or support their home economics. These children are easily to contract a disease called green tobacco sickness, which is from the nicotine when they dry the wet nicotine leaves (“Media centre”, 2015). In addition, the result of using cigarettes directly is to affect your health in a formidable way; in particular, lung cancer and heart diseases (“Should cigarettes smoking be banned”, n.d.). Should tobacco be illegal? My answer is yes, it should. Selling cigarettes should become illegal in the world. First of all, tobacco is affect your health as …show more content…

Moreover, tobacco has been with human for a long time and it became a part of our life and society. Therefore, cigarettes should not be banned (“Should tobacco be banned”, n.d.). Besides, there are thousands of industrial workers and farmers work in the tobacco industry. In The Unites State in 2013, there were 13,570 workers joined in the cigarettes manufacturing industry and their annual income was 58,330 dollars. This job is good for many people. In USA, they export approximately 1.2 billion dollars of cigarettes each year. They said if they stopped to product tobacco in America, other countries would have the big benefit (“10 reasons tobacco should be banned or not banned”, n.d.). These evidences to prove that cigarettes should not be banned are good, but in my opinion, tobacco is worst than you

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