Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Weapons

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Our world is filled with a constant threat of Nuclear detonation and the ensuing fallout of such an attack. This Leads to the question would the world be safer without nuclear arms? Nuclear weapon is defined as “A bomb or missile that uses nuclear energy to cause an explosion.” (Oxford Dictionary, 2016) Nuclear weapons are one of the most destructive devices known to man, and as such the masses have cried for their use to be abolished following the Cold War. Two nuclear bombs have ever been dropped during a war, both on Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II by the United States. While these bombs were devastating for their time they are easily outclassed by current Nuclear technologies. The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful bomb ever created and tested by man, was limited to 50 megatons or 50 million tons of Dynamite. The Tsar Bomba’s yield was limited for its testing however, with sections being replaced with lead instead of weapons grade nuclear material halving its explosive power. These weapons are apparent …show more content…

“Most of the states expected to join a Middle Eastern WMD-free zone have signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and all but Israel have joined the NPT as non-nuclear-weapon states.” (A. Glaser, 2015) Iran, a country stated often as rogue, lead the idea of a nuclear weapon free middle-east, while a country considered a victim of threats has openly opposed such an act. Israel enriches Plutonium, a practice Iran stated they do not intend to attempt, producing a material essential to nuclear arms. Additionally, Israel, similar to North Korea, refuses to accept the NPT, and continues to destroy the idea that “rogue” states agree the only nations attempting to acquire nuclear

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