Probation Reflection Paper

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However, other inmates outside seemed to enjoy freedom pretty much. I felt that it was more like a stricter lifelong education center rather than a prison. The inmates were allowed to wear limited amount of jewelry, pants, and makeup. I even saw an inmate listening to an MP3 player. I was shocked. I have never thought the inmates would be allowed to use electronic devices. It was so much less stressful environment than I thought it would be. I would say the jail was much scarier than the prison. I anticipated the complete opposite sight. I thought prison is where people who committed serious crimes stay and therefore they would have stricter rules and restrictions. However, in some housing places had television and microwave. They were being …show more content…

Two probation officers visited our class. I knew what probation was, but I had no clue what exactly probation officers do. Probation is the suspension of the imposition or execution of a sentence and the order of conditional and revocable release in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. There are two types of probation in California. Informal probation is served without supervision by a probation officer. Formal probation requires that you report to and be supervised directly under the authority of a county probation officer. An adult who pleaded or was sentenced guilty with a felony charge will receive formal probation, and an adult who is charge with misdemeanor or juvenile criminals will be supervised by informal probation. Juveniles usually are not sent to jail but instead receive probation, legal awareness class, or participate in volunteer activities. They also explained to us about the differences between probation and parole. Parole is for people who were sentenced to the state prison, and probation is for people who were sentenced to the county jail. To become a probation officer, he or she needs a bachelor’s degree and will begin working as a juvenile correctional officer in California. They handle a lot of things, starting from random phone calls to people under probation and visiting jails to contacting attorneys, therapists, and the court. They explained to us that probation officers are

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