Should Puerto Rico Become America´s 51st State?

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I. Introduction

a. Should Puerto Rico become Americas 51st state?

b. Many politicians have different views on what Puerto Rico should do. Should the island become a State, stay a Commonwealth, or become independent. Either way, it would benefit the island.

II. Body

a. Should Puerto Rico become a state?

i. How would it benefit the government?

ii. How would it benefit the economy?

b. Is Puerto Rico better off as a commonwealth?

i. How would staying a commonwealth benefit Puerto Rico?

ii. How does Puerto Rico benefit from the U.S.?

iii. Who does Puerto Rico partner with?

c. Is Puerto Rico strong enough to be independent

i. How did the Americanization of Hawaii effect he island & how will it effect Puerto Rico

ii. How did operation bootstrap help the economy?

III. Conclusion

IV. Reflection

V. Works Cited

Do you think Puerto Rico should become a state? 61.16% of Puerto Ricans say yes.

Many politicians have different views on what Puerto Rico should do. Some think that we should become independent, some thing the island should stay the same, but some think Puerto Rico should just become independent. Either way it would benefit Puerto Rico.

Should Puerto Rico become a state?

Puerto Rico becoming a state could benefit Puerto Rico & the U.S. Since Puerto Ricans cannot vote for presidency, have no representatives, and don’t get fair funding. If Puerto Rico became a state, they would have everything we do. Right now Puerto Ricans only gets half the medicare that the states get. 54% of Puerto Ricans have voted for a change (to be independent or become a state). If Puerto Rico became a state we would get a extra 20 billion dollars from the U.S. we would also get extra financial help. Puerto Rico needs tha...

... middle of paper ... because we can go see our family without a passport and we can use our phones. We can self govern to a certain extent. We can also have our own Olympic team so basically its like our own country but we can get money from the U.S. so it’s a win-win situation. We can also come to the U.S. without a passport & we don’t have to take the test because we’re already citizens. We can also keep our culture & we don’t have to turn into a giant, expensive tourist trap.

Works cited

1. Bjorklund, Ruth. Puerto Rico. Tarrytown: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2007.

2. Davis, Lucile. Puerto Rico. New York: Children’s Press, 200.

"Should Puerto Rico Become America's 51st State." The Economist. 21 Oct. 2013. 4 Dec. 2013. .

3. Stile, Darlene r. Puerto Rico. New York: Children’s press, 2009.

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