Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Drugs

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When Growing up, everyone is told that do not do Drugs because they are not good for you, when you was a kid you did not really understand the reasoning behind it, but you did listen to your authority figure regardless. I recall being told this my whole life and even to this day. But as I got older I noticed that people still use drugs, even though it is not legal. I did not understand why someone would break the law and imperil their life just to use drugs that are illegal? The drug that I am talking about is marijuana, which is all around us. Marijuana is even mentioned in today 's media sources that people pleasure in, like songs, TV shows, and movies, they do not even bother to leave the drug out of their media, Now as a young adult and having my own personal experience with the drug and knowing its outcome on others, I awe why it 's not legal. Why is that this drug has become illegal all over the world? The fight to legalize marijuana in the United States of America has been fought over nonstop …show more content…

The reason why pro supporters tell about the economic relief is because it is true. No one expects United States will recover economically from becoming a “pot nation” but it will help bring U.S. Out of the hole it is in legalizing marijuana would in no way hurt the economy at all, being legal will bring money to the states and the nation. Since it became legal in California it brought 15 billion dollars a year, with the rise of income there will be cuts on government spending 's. Every year in U.S.A 68 billion dollars is spend on jail inmates were 1/6 of the population were incarcerated due to nonviolent drug crimes of weed. That shows that America will save 12 billion dollars a year on jail spending with tax money, that is another topic on inmates will come up again as well but that is for

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