Why Should Everyone Go To College

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Should Everyone Go to College? “Only 40% of freshman graduate in four years; 45% never graduate at all” (Nemko 32). This is surprising since so many people choose to go to college after high school. It starts to seem like it is almost expected that you should go to college after you graduate high school. If this many people don’t even graduate college maybe there are some reasons why they don’t graduate. This makes me think that college isn’t for everyone or that there is another option for them. College is not for everyone because it is too expensive, they already have the skills or can get them on the job and they are not ready for college. There are many reasons college is not for everyone and one of those reasons being college can costs so much. Everyone talks about how much it can cost and makes some people choose not to further their education. Most people don’t want to take out loans for a degree that might not even get them a job and can take many years to pay off if they do get a job. “Student loan debt in the United States, unforgiveable in the case of bankruptcy, outpaced credit card debt in 2010 and will top $1 trillion in 2011” (Stephens 38). This statistic shows how much college can cost …show more content…

It all depends on your situation and your stage of life if you go to college or not. College can cost a lot of money which may deter some people from going. As well, you may not necessary need to go if there is another way to learn the skills you need like on the job training. Another way you might not need to go to college is if you aren’t ready to take that step and maybe need to choose a different path or wait a few years to decide what to do. On the other hand, college is the right step for certain people if they get the help they need. There are many options for everyone to take after they graduate high school. The best option for you might not be college it might be a different

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