Descriptive Essay About My Family

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Alex It’s like my mom tries to piss me off on purpose whenever she introduces me to someone as Alex. Although it is my given name I have gone by Allie my whole life. In home videos I could hear my dad saying “Allie” not “Alex”. People automatically assume I’m a boy just because of my name, when in reality it is a unisex name and those people shouldn’t assume something about someone. Bunny… The Dog We didn’t name her. My mom and I adopted her when she was two years old and she has been a huge part of our lives ever since. She lived in a horrible environment and we saved her. Miss Bun Bun, as we call her, lived in a home with seven kids, a sick mom who worked and homeschooled the kids, a dad who had no job, and even another dog. She was under …show more content…

Forever My grandparents always gave me so much love, when my grandpa passed away it was a hard time in my life. But on that day my grandpa passed my dog was born. To this day I believe that it’s my dog is my grandpa brought back to watch over me. He had all my grandpa’s personality traits. Around the time my grandma got sick my dog got sick as well. My views have changed. I now believe that my dog was not only watching over me but waiting for his love to be able to go with him. My dog has passed away now and my grandma is not long behind. Forever I believe that he was waiting for her. Guarded I’m adopted. My birth mother was eighteen when she had me, all I know are the stories my parents would tell me. I have an older brother but somehow I became the unwanted child. I’m afraid I’ll be in that place again. I make sure to guard used so that I don’t have to feel the pain of rejection or being abandoned. Home I have not found my home yet, but I know it’s not a …show more content…

Like the ticket to the movie from a first date or the birthday cards you get from your grandma. Yeah, I keep those. The little things can carry so much meaning. I make sure to remember the moments in life that made me happy, angry, and even sad. At first I just wanted to keep a time capsule of everything from high school to open at my graduation, but soon the little box had to get replaced with a bigger and then I had to go from one box to two. My memories have grown and all those memories mean so much. I wanted be able to open it up and look at all my stuff when I graduate college, or when I get married, and when I have my kids. I want to be able to look back on my life and say, “I remember that.” Quiet I’m shy. Role Model Does a role model have to people perfect? If so, then I don’t want a role model. Nobody is perfect. My brother is my role model. Although he’s made mistakes in life he’s changed his life to be positive instead of negative. That’s the kind of role model I want. Spell Check Thank God for spell check. I am very intelligent but at times the simplest things can be hard. Like trying to spell a word and mixing the letters up. Like writing, there when you really mean their. Tattoo I have a tattoo. I know some people hate them and think you’re ruining your body, but I believe that your body is what you make it. It’s a blank canvass ready to be painted. Unsure I have hopes and dreams for

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