Short Story: Isolophobia

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He felt his fear long before he had a name for it. He had always been nearly empty in the phobia department. A traumatic childhood was not the cause of this, like one may expect. Birth was all it took to drain him of that key emotion, though he had been left a near empty barrel with a steady drip. There was one prominent thing that never failed to make his mouth dry and his heart viciously attempting to destroy its bone cage.
A firm hand abruptly dragged him from his slumber. His heavy eyelids lifted, allowing his gaze to scan the dead room. A wave of nausea surged up his throat. All of his depleted strength was needed to keep from hurling on his own lap. His brain pulsated, guiding his hand to his forehead. As he began to focus on his surroundings, he noticed the blown-out wall a few feet ahead of him. Moonlight filtered in through the wood above as a furious breeze whistled into the building. He did not recognize this place, nor did he remember how he'd gotten there. The only thing he knew then was he appeared to be alone. That fact, alone, injected adrenaline directly into his veins.
He forced himself up to shaky legs, wobbling over to paper pinned to the wall. He carefully read the messy words that continued to merge on the note.


We've left you here for your own good. You will be fine. Explore the city. There are bound to be people willing to help you. Just beware of the diseased. You will know them immediately. Also, beware of the emperor’s guards. They are not as friendly as the civilians.
With love,
Mom and Dad.

He gritted his teeth, disgust flooding his brain. For his own good? They had left him in a plague-infested city from the sound of it. How could that be good for him in any way, shape, or form? He had he...

... middle of paper ... lips, though Jaxx knew he was not joking. “My gut is telling me you may be worth my time. If I am correct, your grandfather was once a highly revered guard to the emperor. Skill tends to run in families. If not, I suppose we will have to let you go.” Another guard entered, raising an eyebrow as he spotted the young man. He looked to Pendleton for answers, who then responded, “Campbell sent him. The kid is supposed to quite talented.”
Jaxx watched in amazement as the overseer lied right through his teeth, gripping the sword. He had heard about the lives of the guards. He was doubtful of being able to live up to the strange expectations of this old man. What the future held, he was unaware. His life was taking a sharp turn, of that he was positive. He was to begin a life of servitude. He would soon learn of the real dangers awaiting him. He would be utterly alone.

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