Short Stories: Frigid Waters

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The harsh leafbare winds of the north blazed across the tundra like a freezing cold fire, howling louder than a wolf. Snowflakes blew rapidly across the landscape, almost blocking your view. The only thing visible was the moon, the snow glittering in it’s light.
The landscape was completely barren, the nearest forest just in view. When it wasn’t leaf-bare, this tundra was instead wide open meadow, perfect for hunting all sorts of prey. Believe it or not, this was actually one of the best places for hunting in the valley.
The only sign of life on this deserted plain was a small moving grey dot. If you moved in closer you could see the dot had pointy ears, scruffy fur, whiskers, amber eyes, a small nose, a long tail and round paws. It was obvious this creature was a cat, a tom to be exact. He was obviously trying to reach the safety and warmth of the forest, his eyes weary from traveling so far.
He was wearing a collar, which meant he used to be owned by twolegs as a kittypet but either ran away or was abandoned. There was a tag on his collar. On the tag the word Sosulka was engraved, which was probably his name.
His fur was matted into clumps, which meant he hadn’t been groomed in a very long time. He was also very skinny and was probably starving to death by the second. Despite all of this he still had a glimmer of determination in his eyes as he braved the snowstorm. I can’t give up now. I’m so close to reaching the forest that it’s useless to turn back. He thought, imagining what it was like in the forest.
He could imagine himself curled up in a cave, surrounded by pine trees. He was as fat as he was back in his old home and he was munching on a plump rabbit, its rich flavours filling his mouth unlike the dry pellets his twoleg ...

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...nd lay down. “Sosulka, you may have been a kittypet but you fought just like a senior warrior. I am even surprised you could make it all the way here from the twoleg place. You have gone through many struggles. You have died a valiant warrior’s death. Starclan bless you.” She whispered.
Inkfur mewed “I don’t know about you but I think we should go back into the forest. We can’t stay out here forever.” Oakstar nodded and said softly “You are right, Inkfur. Sparrowbelly, will you take Sosulka’s body into the forest and bury it?”
Sparrowbelly nodded, took Sosulka’s body and ran into the forest. “Now lets get back to camp and get some rest. It will be dawn soon.” Oakstar meowed, walking into the forest followed by her warrior and medicine cat.
High, high above them, a brand new star shone brightly among the many stars in Silverpelt. Sosulka was now hunting with Starclan.

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