Ways To Save Money Essay

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5 Shopping Strategies That Will Save You Big If you want to have more money in the bank at the end of this year, looking for places to save money will help you out in the long run, even if you are just saving pennies at a time. In order to save large amounts of money, you have to be a wily shopper, always looking out for a good deal or ways to save some cash. There are many simple, secret strategies that you can use to save money and the majority are much easier than you think. Now it is your turn to outsmart the retailers and reap the benefits. Here are a list of ways that you can save money that will quickly add up. Use Coupons: Coupons are the neglected best friend of shoppers everywhere.Though most shoppers choose to ignore coupons, used regularly they are able to result in huge savings. According to the online statistic site Statista, companies release over 300 billion coupons each year in the United States, but people redeem less than ten percent of the released coupons. What is even more startling is that the amount of savings redeemed by that tiny fraction of coupons resulted in around 3.7 billion dollars worth of savings. Coupons can help you save money on groceries, personal care products, clothing, and even a dinner at a restaurant. You can find coupons on products from newspapers, magazines, company websites, coupon websites, and even through some …show more content…

Even mega chains like Wal-mart and Target are trying to draw more sales to their online platforms. Online shopping is convenient and effective, since you are linked to millions of stores with the simple press of a button. There are websites that offer cash back for shoppers or even exclusive discounts. Ebates is a prominent example of one of these websites. You can add more savings to your pocket by purchasing things online with a credit card that also gives you a percentage of cashback from your

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