She's At WalMart

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"Here we are," the taxi driver says, after crashing to the ground at a frightening speed. Madison looks out the window, unbuckling her seatbelt. She's at Wal-Mart. She's at _Wal-Mart_. She's at _Wal-Mart?_

"Are you sure we're at the right location?" Madison asks, her pitch slowly raising trough the sentence, so by the end no one is able to understand her.

He raises his eyebrows at the question. Finally he answers, “yes, I was directly told to take Miss. Madison Berry this Wal-Mart in Texas.”

“In _Texas_?” Madison questions.

“You didn’t know where you were going?” he starts to ask. Then he quickly say, “Never mind, it was probably best.”

“For who exactly? Because I’m not seeing how this is the best situation for me?” Madison asked, taking hysteric breaths.

“Don’t panic, it’s going to be fine. So cash or credit?” he asks. Madison looks up at him, her eyes becoming wider with panic. “You know what? Don’t worry about it. Just tell your parents I’m for the cause and I’m willing to help anytime.”

“What cause?” Madison questions.

“You don’t know anything, do you?” he asks, answering a question with a question. Madison shakes her head, no. “Well, it was nice meeting you,” he says. The door flies open and Madison feels a strong wind force tugging at her. She tries to resist it.

“Wow, you’re a strong little fairy, aren’t you?” he says, making it sound more like an amazing statement then a question. Madison has no chance to deny being a fairy before the force gets strong and she is yanked out of the car and on the pavement, accompanied by her bag. The car takes off. She watches it to it zooms up to the air and off into the sky.

Madison screams for him to stop, but knows it’s useless. She finally gets up and walks into the st...

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...en I got pregnant with you your father and I were overjoyed but also very nervous that out status would put you on top of Unknown’s kill list. Our nervousness doubled when we found it was not only you, but a twin brother. Two weeks after you were born your brother, Mason Berry, was kidnapped. We haven’t seen him since, and we are uncertain if he is even alive.

We knew then that we had to go to lengths to keep you safe so we sent you to live with Mona. We knew when you came to the age of high school we would send to Magical Creatures Academy. A place for kids like you, and kids not so much like you. They’ll explain once you get there.

One more thing Madison. (Maddy?) If your brother is alive I know he will be at the school. Please try to find him. I know this is a lot to ask, and he won’t have the same name, but please try. With all my love,

Your mother, Kanwa

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