Sexual Assault of Native American Women

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Introduction For the purpose of this assignment, I chose to analyze the overwhelming prevalence of sexual assault of Native American women. In order to create a solution to the issue, every facet of the matter must be addressed and analyzed. To keep within the constraints of this paper I will be touching on various aspects of sexual assault within the tribal community to give a general understanding of what is at hand, as well as to facilitate critical, solution-focused thinking. Without a holistic understanding, we cannot conjure, let alone implement effective changes in tribal communities, law enforcement agencies, or federal institutions. Native Americans have undergone a horrific past of genocide, discrimination, forced acculturation, miscommunication, and misunderstanding. They were frequently dehumanized and stripped of basic human rights. Treated as “savages” they were herded into areas of confinement and robbed of their language, culture, and way of life. In many instances of genocide, experts have noted a type of historical trauma that may be passed down through families, known as generational trauma. While the potential effects of this concept are not proven, the stories, images, and memories of thousands of Native Americans continue to be shared with their children, thus perpetuating, and never forgetting the pain and embarrassment that their people have experienced. Today, Native American women continue to be victimized and remain vulnerable targets within, their communities, reservations, tribal law enforcement agencies, and federal law enforcement agencies. In order to restore peace and justice for Native women we first need to have critical and substantive discussion regarding all aspects of sexual assault on r... ... middle of paper ... ... of sex crimes. Furthermore, granting tribes full authority to prosecute any crime may create injustice for accused non-native individuals as well as creating more complication between tribes (Gede, 2012). The analysis of tribal and federal law is complex, confusing, and does not offer a “catch-all” answer to the issues at hand. To reiterate my research questions from the beginning, I hope by discussion and critical thought, we are able to come up with practical and reasonable solutions to our problems. “How can we reduce the instances of sexual violence and streamline prosecution, creating a safe and supportive environment for American Indian women?” My question probes at an area that seems to be lacking in the research. What are some of the possible explanations to the high rates of sex crimes on reservations and how can we create changes to lower these rates?

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