The Detrimental Impacts of Same-Sex Marriage

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Same- sex marriage has done nothing but turn the human race into a joke. Reproduction is the key to maintaining a society and continuing the human race. The future of humans will be at risk if homosexuality continues to be accepted and existent. Not only would the population suffer from same-sex couples, but the children of same-sex couples would suffer. Both boys and girls need a mother and a father, and without both there will be severe consequences that the innocent children involved will have to endure. Same-sex marriage is an unnatural practice that has begun to damage society.
Homosexual marriage must be put to an end because it is an abomination that has no positive result. Marriage originally was created to join a couple together in
Nature is behind reproduction. “ Homosexual marriage is on the wrong side of nature. Homosexual relations are unnatural. This is confirmed by biology, physiology and religion” (King 1). Without a man and a woman, reproduction does not exist; therefore the continuation of society’s acceptance of homosexuality could end the human race if it continues to grow. There is no way for the human race to continue if homosexuality continues. Marriage has been between a man and a woman since its conception. “When God made man and woman He had something very specific in mind. It goes without saying that He did not want men marrying men , or women marrying women” (Saunders 238). Reproduction requires both man and a woman and without reproduction, the population has no way to grow. Homosexuals do not reproduce, they recruit. Even though it has become popular recently to explain that homosexuality has physical or biological causes, this is wrong. Homosexuals are not born, they are created. Homosexual behavior is the result of choice, not genetic chance. The behavior of a homosexual is a learned behavior (King 1-3). Homosexuality is a choice that may be intentionally made as a source of attention or it may be a subconscious
The “Family Research Council” has done extensive work to determine how children are affected by same-sex marriage. “If same-sex civil marriage becomes common, most same-sex couples with children would be lesbian couples. This would mean that we would have yet more children being raised apart from fathers. Among other things, we know that fathers excel in reducing antisocial behavior and delinquency in boys and sexual activity in girls” (1). Without a father in their life, boys will be more likely to continue a line of homosexuals in the family. Social skills will be lacking, and a boy will be surrounded by sole feminine influence. They are also more likely to act out and be more of a disruption in school. Without a father, a boy will suffer the consequences of an overly feminine family surrounding. Girls without a father, also act out. They will be more sexually active at a younger age because of the missing fatherly influence. Without attention from a father, girls will seek attention from another male source which results in early sexual activity. These girls pay the price of being without a father. When two gay males raise a child, the child is missing a motherly influence. As stated by the Family Research Council, a child raised without a mother misses out on the unique motherly relationship

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