Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll – The Decline of America

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The United States emerged from World War II as a technological, economic and military superpower with a dominant voice on the world stage. What happened? Arguably, most would say that the United States still holds these positions in the world, but the news media and academic alarm is that the country is slipping in to an abyss and will loose its dominance. If you believe some comments in the media concerning the changes in the United States, our troubles are due to prevalence of drugs, unfettered sex (and its variations), and even music – specifically, Rock and Roll. What is the real story? Just prior to World War II, the United States had become a very strong nation economically and with a vast store of food stuffs which prompted a vigorous world trade. At this point in time, the United States was a fairly conservative nation – individuals felt more in control of their lives, food stuffs were produced by a large number of family owned farms, and the biggest abused drugs were alcohol and tobacco. Things change. Is there a decline in the United States’ ability to lead, innovate, or produce? Or have other nations just caught up with the United States in production capability? Leading Economists suggest that taxes and a high national debt are restricting innovation and production, among other issues. Whatever the real reason, the United States has moved from a self-reliant nation to a debtor nation with the highest national private and public debt load than any other nation (CIA). In fact, the United States exports are primarily commodities if you do not count weapons and computer chips, not producible goods – those come from other countries. America buys from everyone else and is producing less – the Roman Empire ended the same way. In the 2009 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Administration), use of illicit drugs has remained relatively stable as a percentage of the population; however, use of legal drugs has soared. PBS aired a series (Foundation), concerning America’s War on Drugs – and we are not winning. The series notes that it is easy to obtain drugs legal or illegal if you are looking for them. Recent commercials citing ‘parents’ as the ‘anti-drug’ demonstrate how easy it is to obtain legal drugs from a families medicine cabinet (TheAntiDrug).

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