Sexual Identity And Human Sexuality

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What is the first word that comes to your mind when I say the word “sex?” Sex for me is when two people have intercourse. You don’t necessarily have to be in love to have sex. Many people enjoy having sex with other people, because it feels good, or they just want to procreate. According to Auleb, in the class reader “Human Sexuality”, he states “Sex has more than one definition and can be used in many contexts.” Sex can mean multiple connotations to different people. People can think your asking them their gender when you ask them what the word sex means to them, or they can be talking about their vagina or penis. On the other hand, the word sexuality for me means that you have the power to feel sexual, and that is your sexuality. Many people don’t have a sexual side to them, because they don’t really like talking about the word sex, or the word sexuality. According to Auleb, Sexuality means “the quality of possessing a sexual character or potency, although some individuals’ sexuality may encompass little to no sexual behaviors”. Sexual identity is a very important word to understand. For me sexual identity means what gender you see yourself as, or who you are sexually attracted too. I believe sexual identity can be a …show more content…

Women and men are not treated equally, when a man has a sex with a woman he is considered a “pimp”. When a woman has sex with a man she is considered a “slut”. It also plays out in a Mexican family when the son has all these girlfriends, but the daughter is not even allowed to date. I really just don’t get how that works. Most men use sex to their advantage just because they feel bored and want to have sex for pleasure. I feel most women have sex because genuine and they actually love that person they are going to have sex with. Sometimes girls have sex because they want to fit in with their friends, and be “cool” like them. Trust me having sex does not make you

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