Unhealthy Food Essay

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Serving Unhealthy Meal to U.S School Children Imagine entering into a school cafeteria and being seated at any one of the lunch tables. The first thing one may take notice of is the obese or heavier students also seated at the tables. This probably wouldn’t have been nearly as noticeable thirty years ago. Yet, child obesity rates have nearly doubled in thirty years according to the Centers for Disease and prevention Control. Students are making unhealthy meal choices or eating unhealthy foods such as soda pop, candy bars, foods loaded with preservatives, and unhealthy fats. Now, imagine sitting down in the same cafeteria where the students have been educated about healthy food choices. Vending machines had been removed, and parents had made an effort to help their children eat healthy. Due to increasing rates of U.S childhood obesity in the past thirty years, investing in serving healthy meals to school children never sounded so reasonable. The only way we can accomplish our goal is through healthier meals, wiser spending, and getting students to participate. …show more content…

Schools are spending too much on subjects or activities that don’t influence children’s future as much as quality food. Reprioritizing the way schools spend money can help free up funds for healthier lunches. Schools don’t only hold the proverbial lighter in this wild fire, so do parents. Parents need to get involved. They need to serve healthy food at home, exposure to healthy foods should start with things such as planting a garden at home if possible. The facts are simple. Students should be taught to eat healthy, shown to eat healthy, and given the opportunity to eat healthy. In that case, the issue will almost certainly work itself out with everyone involved parents, students, schools, and the

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