Sports Management Case Study

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Service Settings are The First Thing Students See at Universities Differentiation between Universities: A college/ university is not just a place of learning and knowledge, the backstage of a college is business style establishment and their main goal, which they won’t ever admit, is to make money from students while giving them an education. With the ever-expanding number of colleges/universities in the nation, schools are in need to find ways to differentiate themselves and stand out to the prospective moneybags aka students. Differentiation is easy for schools, some are big (D1) some are small (NAIA), some are known for their Business Programs while others are known for their Education or Law Programs. Size and Programs offered are a …show more content…

Sport Management is completely ran by technology. From cameras and laptops to record games and stats, to software to analysis the background of the organization. The Sports Management Program at UNK does a great job of implementing the must use of these technologies for their students. Hands On Experience-> With the high output of Sport Management students into the career field, one must stand out to find a job. The career field is very competitive from start to finish. Sport Organizations are looking for students that no only have the degree but also experience under their belt. Market-> UNK does a great job with having their students get hands on experience within the field from the beginning and has many connections to do such a thing. They implement for a student to complete their degree, they must have an sports related internship as well as 80-160 “other” hours within the UNK Varsity Sports and local Minor League Hockey team. This allows students to see first hand what it takes and what is expected of them within the career field of Sports Management. The hands on hours and experience gives the students an automatic leg up on the competitive job market that they will

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