Sermon Analysis Sermon

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Sermon Analysis On September 25, 2016 a sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Phillips at Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, DE where he serves as a co-pastor. His sermon titled There is a monster at the end of this sermon incorporated descriptive language to engage the listeners and encourage the congregation whom he serves to live out their missional goal to strengthen current community connections and to further new connections. His church is a “good sized” suburban church that has been around for 295 years. He describes the parishioners as having a “broad tent” of theological views. This congregation is open to new ideas and re-visiting the old. They appear to be carrying out intentional missional work in their community …show more content…

Using this method, he successfully engages the congregation through descriptive narratives and relating ideas to current times. As part of the narratives he includes descriptive biblical stories beginning with the story in his text, claiming it as a “scary story”. He further re-enforces this scary story concept by sharing two more biblical passages where a scary story exists. These biblical narratives are the beginning of what Wilson would call the second page of the sermon where the trouble in the text is given. This of course was preceded by his first page that discussed the idea of having scary stories in our lives today (trouble in the world) by using a vivid personal illustration. He continues to use vivid illustrations to hammer in his focus on the church needing to be friends to the downtrodden because God responds that way. He designs the third page to share the Gospel in the text reminding us that God responds to continual injustice by sending his son to be the friend that everyone needs. The one who stands up for injustice and never leaves your side. Finally, he concludes with the fourth page by demonstrating how churches can live the gospel in the world today. They do this through friendships with people in their surrounding community whose stories might be …show more content…

In his first opening story his use of descriptive words like lovable and furry helps the congregants envision the story in their mind as if they were watching it unfold. This opening story follows Wilson’s idea to open a sermon by “starting with a not-too-serious experience of the general theme.” The second story encountered in his sermon that reinforces his theme is also descriptive and is told like one was experience watching a scene in a

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