Reflective Essay About The Self

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The self consists of perspectives: views about ourselves, others, and social life that arise out of our experiences and interactions with others. (Wood, pg. 178). Along with society, the self is shaped by the perspectives of individuals who matter to us. These people are known as particular others and include mothers, fathers, siblings, peers, and other people who are significant to us during our early years. (Wood, pg. 182). 1. Mom- She taught me from a young age that there will be good times and bad times. Getting through the bad times builds character and if I can do that, I can get through anything. My mom made the list for obvious reasons. I’ve know her all my life and she has had a tremendous impact. More than words can express. 2. …show more content…

4th grade teacher- The most amazing teacher ever. I learned that there will always be people who are jealous of you for no apparent reason, but I should never let that get in the way of me being who I am. She made the list because she was the most caring teacher I have ever had. Although I only had her for a year, she treated me like a daughter and we’ve remained in contact since. 7. Best friend- Not only was she my best friend, she was also my teammate in high school. I have set expectations for myself on the track because throughout the years, she always pushed me. When I wanted to give up, she was the push I needed. She saw potential in me when it came to hurdling before I saw it in myself. She made the list because she was the first close friend I looked up to. I’ve learned from her mistakes and had someone to confide in regardless of the situation. 8. Ex boyfriend- Because of him, I learned how it felt to deeply care for someone of the opposite sex that was not family. I also learned that you can’t lose yourself trying to please someone else. He made my list because he taught me how to adapt to living with someone with a completely differently personality and how to view things from another point of …show more content…

President Obama- Although I do not know Obama on a personal level, he has showed me that seemingly impossible situations are not impossible. He was faced with adversity and fought through and came out victorious (although others may disagree). His determination gives me more motivation to strive to achieve my dreams although there are many hurdles along the way and that is why he made my list. 11. High school coach- Because of my coach, I have learned to prepare for unseen situations. When it came to practicing, I always wanted to practice hurdles are certain way because that was what I was more comfortable with. He broke me out of my comfort zone and forced me to take risks that I would not have thought of doing on my own. This is why my coach made the list. To this day, he still keeps in contact with me and helps me strategize for my races even when he’s 1400 miles away. 12. College coach- I am now more willing to give certain things a try even when they don 't seem appealing or correct. There were times I did not agree with a workout or something my coach said, but I had to suck it up and do it because he was my superior and paying for my education. After asking questions, I was able to get a better understanding of where he was coming from. He made my list because he prepared me for differences in opinions that I’ll have to face in the

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