Strengths And Self-Assessment Of Management In The 21st Century

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Although it’s argued, a manager in the 21st century needs to possess a wide range of skills and attributes, theorist condense this into three skill levels consisting of conceptual, human, and technical skill sets pertinent to managing a department or organization effectively, as to enable people to perform at their best (Daft, 2014). Self-assessment of these skill sets help determine a prospective manager’s current aptitude in these areas and provide focus as to skills one may need to study, increasing the individual aptitude in said area of skills. Individuals and collective strengths play a vital role in the systematic incorporation to measure business inputs and outputs of personnel, and organizations meeting challenges of work value, culture impact, and personal. Self-assessments curve the design and development of strategies and …show more content…

Strengths and weakness of an individual’s personal style is a goal of these self-assessments to provide direction of growth. Self-assessments can promote desired cognitive development from this self-reflection. Adversely, emotional or social stresses in learning or work environments that may be observed by the individual as hostile, could cause the inner resources of the individual to shut down from the stress. Learning no longer will occur and the individual will become ineffective.
One study showed just that. “The present study sought to better understand relationships among neuroticism, negative career thinking, and coping and how these variables affect the career decision state … This study did make a significant contribution to better understanding how to assist clients with neurotic tendencies in the career development process … [A]ddressing a client’s negative career thoughts appears to be a viable pathway for attenuating client neurotic tendencies” (Bullock-Yowell et al., 2015).

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