The Impact Of Ludwig Van Beethoven's Music?

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Ludwig van Beethoven is who everyone thinks of first when someone asks if you know any composer from classical music. Beethoven changed the sound of music in the early 1800’s from bland and meaningless, to exciting and heartfelt. You felt Beethoven’s pain through his music. Was Beethoven’s deafness to blame for his spark of genius that changed the course of classicism, to romanticism? Was it not for his lonesome solitude, and lack of hearing that drove him to create the masterpieces that are still resonating through current times? During Beethoven’s time there were a lot of political and historical events occurring. One significant event is Napoleon coming to power in France. This event had a direct impact on Beethoven, who at this time directly …show more content…

Beethoven slowly began showing his emotions, and feelings, but very subtly. His work began to have a very sublime feeling to it, very deep and not knowing what to expect. It was after those first two that Beethoven had a big life crisis. (Sayre 407) He then began seeing life as a shorter journey than previously sought, and stopped caring about what consequences would arise from what he wanted to do. Which was to show strong emotion in his music. It was his escape from his impending doom, which was becoming deaf. He released music very quickly over the next decade. This shows how Beethoven’s own life experiences changed the direction of his …show more content…

Before Beethoven began going deaf he was already a wonderful composer. He had everything going for him, his whole life looked to be storybook perfect. When Beethoven learned of himself going deaf is when his whole life became clear. I feel that everyone in their life will experience a time where everything seems like it wont work out. Where life is punching them in the face, here I believe is when people grow the most. Where we as humans take everything we have for granted. Once Beethoven took life by the neck and took control, he released the Third Symphony, where he exploded with creativity, free will, and emotion. Everyone felt the growth within Beethoven. This is why I chose to write about Beethoven and his Third Symphony. I chose it because everyone has a Third Symphony that changes the course of their

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