Analysis Of Betty Friedan's It Changed My Life

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Betty Friedan wrote many books, however, “It Changed My Life”, “The Second Stage”, and “Beyond Gender” will be mentioned in my paper. Friedan fought for many things such as the perspective of the change in school, home, and workplace, women’s rights, and women’s right to choose whether it is how they want to live their life or how they take care of their bodies such as abortion. The mindsets of women from her novels between the1960s to the 1980s changed drastically, from the time of women having plenty of free time, to women not having enough free time. Many women during this era, did not want to be like their mothers, and Betty Friedan was one of them. Women play such an important role in our society that they should be given everything a …show more content…

At the time women did not voice their opinions, but Betty Friedan was one who came out of her comfort zone and stood up for what she believed in for women’s rights. She could not just sit back and not do anything about it. Friedan did not understand why women lived the traditional lifestyle which was to marry a man, have children, and be a homemaker. Women still do this day want all of that, but women either choose to do so later on in life or not at all. Many people might found it wrong to get married or have children later on in life, but it is quite the norm today. If it was not for Betty Friedan speaking up, women would continue to try to be the perfect housewife. It is the norm today to finish college, and then decide to get married and/ or have children. It is good to know that many women can have the opportunity to do and be able to do whatever they want to do, especially to their own bodies. However, Friedan was fortunate enough to have a mother who wanted her to come out of her comfort zone and to be able to be a change in the world. Friedan’s mother was once a reporter until she met Betty’s father and had to end her career so she can be the perfect housewife. Like mother, like daughter, Freidan also took on the same career as her mother after she attended junior high school. Many women were lucky enough to go to college, and Friedan was one of the many women who were able to go. Friedan has changed …show more content…

The first time Friedan got pregnant she was maternity leave and out for a while however, when she got pregnant again they fired her because they did not want her to be out that long. Still to do this day many people do not want to hire women because they are a female and do get pregnant. Although women do have maternity leave, however, people still to do this day get fired. As a society, we need to change this such as Betty Friedan has once changed the mindsets of both men and women, but yet today we are still fighting for the equal amount of higher ranking jobs and it is not because guys are smarter than girls, it because we let society rule our world. Freidan wanted women to succeed and be able to make progress in their life and to find life enjoyable, which everyone should. After Friedan stepped down from the National Organization of Women, she organized The Strike for Equality which was about providing equal opportunity for all women, it was the 19th amendment that entitled women to do. It helped support the Women’s Movement and recognized by both men and women. The Women’s Movement occurred because of Betty Friedan in which she wrote “The Feminine Mystique”, but also many other women. The income between men make is still significantly more than women, women are paid less than men, which is a horrible outcome. Women make seventy-seven cents for every

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