Essay On Leader Member Exchange Theory

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The second concept leaders must account for which followers are accustomed. All three leaders discussed above had an easier transition, because all three countries were familiar with male leaders. This is typical because male leaders are sought to give stability and safety (Thoroughgood). Germany and Cuba would not have accepted anything other than a strong and confident male leader. Jim Jones’ situation was slightly different in the way that there were male leaders on both sides of the civil rights movement; however, leader speak out so strongly in support for desegregation would have been a strong pull. Another important aspect was that he was a white man, who was told to have even believed in desegregation as a child. The stories about him …show more content…

This relationship is referred to as The Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX). This theory discusses how close followers feel to their leader (Yulk 154). This basic concept behind this theory is that humans want to feel special, needed, and valued. By sharing geographical similarities and offering stability and hope, all three leaders start the affiliation, but due to a smaller number of followers Jim Jones is the best example of LMX. It is important to note that an actual relationship between the follower and the leader is not necessary, as long as the follower perceives there to be a relationship, Jones was able to create the allusion of being close to every follower, by preaching every Sunday. He would call random people from the congregation and say that god had told him to heal them. This produced the idea that he was speaking on all of their behalves to god, which when coupled with his continual preaching on acceptance, an aura of care was built around him. It also helped that he intermingled with his followers, shaking hands and listening stories, which helped form what seemed to be bonds. These high LMX relations allowed all three leaders much leeway in their actions. When an individual is liked, people are less likely to question their motives, because it is perceived that the person is acting in the best interest of the …show more content…

Instead of following anyone, assess why this person is leading and why people are following them. There will never be one solution when dealing with bad leaders, but if followers take action progress will be made. This action does not have to be extravagant. Sometimes simple questions can make things clearer. A quote from Hitler reads “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. If only followers would have questioned why Jews were being singled out, or why moving to a cut off location would benefit the spreading of equality, or why persecuting a whole class for their wealth while trying to become part of that status, then these bad leaders would not have had such success in accomplishing their goals. Take charge of who you idealize, seriously evaluate how and how you follow, and never be afraid to question motives or plans. By doing these three things the whole process will be strong. The definition of insanity is doing the something over and over and expecting a different result. Do not be repetitive. Be the

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