Realm Essays

  • The Realm of Sisterhood in Mary Leapor’s Poetry

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    The Realm of Sisterhood in Mary Leapor’s Poetry For a woman writer to be read by her peers in eighteenth century England was somewhat unusual. For this woman to procure some kind of living from her writing was even more remarkable. But for such a woman to claim both these accomplishments, with writings attacking the very state of women no less, was extraordinary. Yet Mary Leapor was this woman. Not only did she herself defy society in remaining unmarried for the whole of her short life,

  • Alice's Adventures in Darwinism and the Realm of Child Versus Adult

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    Alice in Wonderland, the most famous work of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, is the enduring tale of one girl’s journey into a world of whimsy and imagination. The story was written for the enjoyment of all children, as Carroll had a strong love and attachment to them, especially little girls. It was however, written more specifically for a dear, close child-friend of his by the name of Alice Liddell, who was the inspiration for the title character. Alice in Wonderland has

  • The Realm of Desire and Dream: Brazil and its Self-Constructing Middle Class of the 1980s, 1990s and Today

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    The Realm of Desire and Dream: Brazil and its Self-Constructing Middle Class of the 1980s, 1990s and Today The discourse of self-definition in Brazil is based on perceptions of economic success, material value and social prestige. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a general scramble to reconstruct individual identity in social success and achievement. “Assertions of moral and cultural (class and racial) superiority” make up the discourses of national and regional identity, while

  • Realm of Reality and Mythical Realm

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    Two realms are actively experienced throughout a person’s lifetime: the realm of reality, and the mythical realm. Not everyone’s realms are the same; one person’s mythical world could be another person’s real world. People often seek to find a mythical realm, a mythical life, in order to escape from their everyday reality. Sometimes this alters one’s version of reality in the process. One world cannot exist without the other; therefore, in order to cross over, a person has to leave certain aspects

  • Social Realms

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    Social Versus Political Realms: Drawing the Line In the modern world in which we live, there usually should be two different and distinct realms. The first one, known as the social realm, is where the normal citizens live and is focused more on how we treat other people react with the world around them. The social realm is more the way the average populace is impacted by the laws, actions that come from the government, or events that occurred; focused more on the emotional responses or personal

  • Realm of Labor

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    desires, and goals are very diverse. The variety of people with dissimilar interest can cause tensions among groups, especially in the modern age. There are three categories that contributed to the physical and abstract separation all within the realm of labor: workers versus machines, skilled versus unskilled labors or workers, and immigrant versus non-immigrant workers. These three all intertwine and connect to one another under the world of labor. Along with lectures, historians and writers Herbert

  • Forbidden Desire in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

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    their way in the silent, moonlit night, and drift into sleep. Here-away from the prohibitions of rational Greek civilization-Shakespeare plunges his audience into the psychological realm of his characters, by developing the dream-filled, darkened wilderness of Greece as a medium offering access to the unconscious realm of his characters. In the ensuing forest scenes, Shakespeare blends fiction with fantasy, and ultimately allows his characters to confront the boundaries of consciousness and unconsciousness

  • Divine Comedy - St.Augustine in Dante’s Inferno

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    newcomers to his profession. Since each of these sins also falls within a different realm of Dante’s hell, they will be discussed later in this paper. The second level of Dante’s hell, Limbo, does not apply to Augustine because he was baptized and was blessed with the knowledge of Jesus Christ’s existence. Therefore, Augustine can not be placed within this first circle of hell. The second circle of hell, a realm for those who fell victim of their carnal desires, is another level at which to place

  • Analysis of Archibald Lampman's The City of the End of Things

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    nameless City he creates is a place of mechanical slavery and despair, where Nature cannot exist, and human life is forfeit.  The place is a veritable Hell; no, worse than a hell - it is Tartarus.  By evoking the name of this, the most feared of realms in classical Mythology, Lampman roots his poem, and thus his City and message, in Greek and Roman legend.  This is very important since, by wrapping the poem within a mythological narrative, it automatically begins to undermine any attempt to enforce

  • Ethics of Psychoanalysis - Lacan’s Antigone and the Ethics of Interpretation

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    pleasure principle]. She incarnates this desire. (1986: 328-29) Lacan notes that Antigone’s decision to defy Creon consciously seeks death. She makes no effort to defend Polynices’ actions (Lacan 1986: 290, 323-25). Her choice takes her beyond the realm of rational discourse and the collective norms of human satisfaction it implies (Lacan 1986: 78, 281; Zizek 1991: 25). Hers is a position that transcends the comfortable binary oppositions that structure our daily ethical and social lives. Because

  • Comparing God and AI in Neuromancer

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    lives of characters are shaped by their flesh and blood experiences. The realm of artificial intelligence (AI) is the base for all of the events that are central to the life of a character. All events and lives are under control of the AI, and all things serve the AI's purpose. The matrix serves to mash the two realms together, in times and places where AI cannot physically control the meat. The relationship between these realms is a direct parallel to God's relationship with man. It is hard to disseminate

  • Geography Of Russia

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    Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The realm that is Russia is further divided into eight regions including the Far East, Siberia, Northwest, Urals, Greater Volga, Central Russia, Black Earth, and North Caucasus. There are several mountain ranges in the Russian realm. Perhaps the most prominent and important mountain range is the Ural mountain range. The Urals basically divide Russia into two parts: the

  • An Annotation of Emily Dickinson's The Last Night that She Lived

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    references to God or the afterlife, and her allusions to nature are fleeting. The poem is anything but an attempted justification of the death of her friend, rather it is resembles a catalogue of the human responses of those who remain in the earthly realm after the death of a loved one. The Last Night that She Lived by Emily Dickinson The last Night that She Lived It was a Common Night Except the Dying--this to Us Made Nature different We noticed smallest things-- Things overlooked before

  • The Contemporary Conflict of Values

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    and (3) pursue the best and most suitable. 1. The conflict of values is not the unique phenomenon of our times but the common occurrence in both ancient and modern history. But the traditional conflict of values occurred largely in the moral realm, and its essence and focus lay in the conflict between individual and whole interests. In the premodern times there were also conflicts between various requirements of the same individual self, but this conflict was also moralized because personal

  • Plato's Dialectical Cut in Socrates' Soul in The Being of the Beautiful

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    Dialectical Cut in Socrates' Soul in The Being of the Beautiful Within the spectrum of the political realm, one of the most important philosophical questions arises, "What is the best regime?" It is obvious that the best regime is one of complied consent. There still seems to be difficulty in deciding the best means to the desired end. Politics, the ruling force, operates in the realm of opinions. Its counterpart, philosophy, is an attempt to replace opinions about political things. This

  • Analysis Of Herman Hesse's 'Siddhartha'

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    transforms into a women. This forshadows Siddhartha’s change in realm from a spiritual world to a physical world of lust. As he awakens, he first lays his eyes upon the river which portrays Siddarthas readiness into the new realm. In crossing the river the ferry man mentions to Siddartha, that he’ll come back to the river and forms a friendship between each other. As Siddartha reaches the other side of the river he enters the physical realm and leaves behind the spiritual

  • The Parabble of the Cave

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    to find our own truth, although it is not impossible. As Plato knew then, they exist in everyone’s lives. Humans have to travel from the visible realm of image making and object naming to the intelligible, invisible realm of reasoning and understanding. The “Parable of the Cave” symbolizes this voyage and how it would look to people still in a lower realm. The things our senses perceive as real are just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of sun, as we amass knowledge

  • Romance and Anti-Romance in Shakespeare's The Tempest

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    many important points arguing both for and against the idea that it is a romance. He states quite plainly at the beginning that in any romance audiences expect to move and travel widely to exotic places, different times, and widely throughout the realm of imagination. In his opinion, The Tempest takes these principles farther than any previous works in order to destroy them (Hillman 141). In other words, Shakespeare goes to immense trouble to simply set us up for a great fall. The elements that produce

  • Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist and Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken

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    The most significant journeys are always the ones that transform us, from which we emerge changed in some way. In Paulo Coelho’s modern classic novel The Alchemist, and Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken, the journey that is undertaken by the central exponents leaves both with enlightening knowledge that alters their lives irrevocably. In stark contradiction to this, Ivan Lalic’s poem Of Eurydice , delves into the disruptive and negative force of knowledge, in contrast to The Alchemist which

  • elationship between art and society

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    eradicated from society. Poetry shifts man’s focus away from reason by presenting man with imitations of objects from the concrete world. Poetry, with its focus on mimesis or imitation, has no moral value. While Plato sees reality as a shadow of a realm of pure Ideas (which in turn is copied by art), Aristotle sees reality as a process of partially realized forms moving towards their ideal realizations. Given this idea by Aristotle, the mimetic quality of art is redefined as the duplication of the