Physical Attractiveness Essays

  • Essay On Physical Attractiveness

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    Physical Attractiveness Appearance matters much more than most people would like to admit. It follows us day to day and it even helps us during important life interactions. The stereotype of “What is beautiful is good” is perceived as attractive people do good things and are considered to be socially desirable. Physically attractive people get showed more attention and are more positively viewed than unattractive people. It’s hard to figure out why exactly that is, though. Just because one person

  • Examples Of Physical Attractiveness

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    Does Physical Attractiveness Play a Part of Being Successful? Some people may have the interpretation that physical attraction determines how successful you are. Along with that, others discriminate in favor of attractive people. What characteristics and how does physical attraction determine success in life? The two articles, “What is Beautiful is Good” and “I’m Successful Because I’m Beautiful” both explain the connections of physical attraction and success and also share several studies of characteristics

  • Physical Attractiveness Is Not Everything

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    There is a misconception in society today that suggests that physical attractiveness is everything. It is the notion that one must be outwardly attractive in order to attract a partner. It is a widely circulated myth that is perpetuated by the media. Flawless models show off the latest fashion. Television stars caked in makeup display their wrinkle-less faces. Women’s magazines tell people how to lose weight and become desirable. The aim of this essay is to disprove the idea that aesthetic perfection

  • The Influence of Physical Attractiveness on Teaching Success

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    individual. From luxury goods to glamorous jobs, it is often emphasized in many cultures and in the media that physical attractiveness can be very beneficial and important in a person’s life. If it can yield positive aspects for the individual, can a person who interacts with them get benefits too? In particular, will students be able to perform academically by being taught by physically attractiveness teachers? Teachers play an essential and important role in a students’ school life that can influence

  • Importance Of Physical Attractiveness

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    Physical attractiveness is a generally valued characteristic (Feingold,1992). Plumpness is regarded as a symbol of prestige and physical attractiveness in the traditional Chinese culture. But now, because some socio-cultural and environmental factors, such as socio-economic status (SES), peer pressure, ethnicity, parental factors, and physical appearance pressure from social media and the cultural ideal of slimness. Chinese notion of female beauty has been overshadowed and result in increasing preferences

  • The Benefits Of Physical Attractiveness In The Workplace

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    Physical attractiveness is everything in this day and age. Possessing attractive physical traits will make your life a lot easier in most ways compared with those who do not possess such traits. People perceive physically attractive people as smarter, more successful, more sociable, more dominant, sexually warmer, mentally healthier and higher in self- esteem than their physically unattractive counterparts. The natural tendency to ascribe all sorts of positive traits to beautiful people also means

  • The Effects of Women's Age and Physical Appearance on Evaluations of Attractiveness and Social Desirability

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    Effects of Women's Age and Physical Appearance on Evaluations of Attractiveness and Social Desirability Without question, the concepts of attractiveness and age are both important considerations to many individuals within Western culture. Age itself, is often viewed as a component of physical attractiveness. Arthur H. Perlini, Susan Bertolissi and David L. Lind performed an interesting study that incorporates the well-recognized factors of age and attractiveness. Moreover, the study used

  • Factors of Attractiveness

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    “beauty comes from within” but does it really? The answer is no, we are drawn in by physical appearance then later personality comes into play. When intrigued by someone’s appearance so much that it draws one person to another this is attraction. There are certain aspects off a person appearance that make them attractive to multiple people, things like facial symmetry and body size ratios this is their attractiveness. Upon looking at someone we do not know we are analyzing their facial symmetry or

  • Gender and Attraction: A Cross- Cultural Review of the Literature

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    Research indicates that culture has an impact on individuals’ preferential behaviors. These preferential processes are quite often involved in mate selection and mate attraction. One’s personality traits, ethnicity, and physical appearances are just a few of the ways that perceptions of attraction differ across cultures. Not only do these perceptions of attraction vary by culture, but these perceptions also vary by gender and play a huge role on what men and women deem as attractive. Because the

  • What is the Importance of Physical Beauty

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    Attractive people are treated better, have more friends and are more successful, both in relationships and professionally, than their unattractive peers (Cowley, 1996). Attractiveness does more than give one preference in platonic and familial relationships; in fact, Buss et al. (1990) found that it is important cross-culturally in choosing mates. In the animal kingdom, female zebra finches choose to perform extra-pair copulations with males that are more attractive than their mates to ensure better

  • Human Physical Attraction: What is Important to Women?

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    paper, I will discuss background research on physical attractiveness and sexual desire and distinguish the difference between long-term and short-term relationships. Then, I will discuss the innovation of the current hypothesis. Then, I will briefly discuss the proposed conceptual methods to ideally test this hypothesis. Finally, I will discuss implications and conclusions. Physical attractiveness is generally defined as the degree to which a person's physical traits are considered aesthetically pleasing

  • The Role of First Impressions when we Meet Someone

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    the importance of giving a good first impression. Schneider, Hastorf, and Ellsworth in their research suggest that one of the first judgments people make about a person is whether they like the person or not, and that judgments based on physical attractiveness are immediate. The very first moment in which we meet someone, if they make a good first impression in that moment, you will tend to reject any negative attributes shown later in the person. However, if someone were to make a bad first impression

  • Open Coding Essay

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    interest can be various factors not limited to physical appearance, personality traits, social location, sociodemographic status, and compatibility (Bogovic, 2018). What an individual finds attractive may not be considered as ‘attractive’ to others. Through the exploration of attraction, I will be attempting to answer: How do people define attractiveness in relation to partner(s) and themselves? And how do people make use of definitions of attractiveness in their consideration of a partner(s)? From

  • Critical Evaluationg of Psychological Theories of Interpersonal Attraction

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    Macmillan Rubin, Z. (1973) Liking And Loving, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Schachter, S. (1959) The Psychology of Affiliation, Stanford: Stanford UP Silverman, I. (1971) Physical Attractiveness And Courtship. Sexual Behaviour, I, 22-25 Walster, E. (1966) Importance Of Physical Attractiveness In Dating Behaviour. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 4, 508-516 Wilson, G. (1983) QED:The Science Of Sexual Attraction, BBC Television. Winch, P. (1958) The idea of

  • Child Abuse Case Study

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    nine young adults, during their childhood, experienced harsh physical abuse from an adult (NSPCC, 2013b). Radford and colleagues interviewed children below the ages of 11 and up to the ages of 24, but one of the group of children this study is interested in is 11 years and younger, of which he interview 2,160 parents of children aged 11 years and below (NSPCC, 2013b). He found that 1.3% or 1 in 80 of these children had experienced physical abuse from their parents or their guardians (NSPCC, 2013b)

  • The Attainment of Beauty & Attractiveness across Cultures

    1933 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Attainment of Beauty & Attractiveness across Cultures What is beauty? Beauty is defined as “the quality of being physically attractive or the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind” (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2014, para. 1). Heine (2012) has found that beauty and attractiveness can vary across cultures. Although, there are specific features of a person that seem to be considered as beautiful and attractive across all culture spectrums. These features are:

  • Human Beauty

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    Man": "It is certainly not true that there is in the mind of man any universal standard of beauty with respect to the human body. Although we "are all legally equal", everyone knows that people are often treated differently according to their physical appearance. Even when we apply for jobs, appearance may dominate qualification. We even believe that attractive people are better - "what is beautiful is good" is a common standard in our thinking. We have to admit that beauty standards might

  • Scent Case Study

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    by someone or hugged someone who smelled good or bad? If so, many people tend to associate the scent with attractiveness or unattractiveness depending on the level of smell. There have been many studies indicating that there is a strong correlation between odor and attractiveness. Although the scent is a universal and an undetectable smell it can influence the level of perceived attractiveness of another person. In 2011, Roberts and colleagues

  • Discussing Impression Formation

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    Impression formation and stereotypes First impressions are considered very important. It is very common to hear people talk about the importance of giving a good first impression because that very first moment in which people see or meet someone new, shows them the kind of person they are most likely to be. How is personality impressions formed? Do first impressions have a much greater impact on judgements than subsequent impressions? How first impressions are formed has been a subject of

  • A Beautiful Mind

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    Although female faces were always preferred to be feminine, the women threw a problem at Perret when they were judging the attractiveness of men. Their opinions varied greatly, and they couldn’t seem to reach a consensus! After looking into the problem, Perrett discovered that women preferred masculine looking men when they were at peak fertility. This may be because when women are very fertile; their body is telling the brain that it needs to procreate. A masculine looking male is more likely