Ecology Essays

  • Ecology Is The Study Of Ecology

    875 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ecology is the study of plants and animals and the certain environment that they live in plus what they do that is what I will be covering the following. The place that the organisms live is in the biosphere and there are abiotic factors which are the nonliving parts of an organism's environment and there are biotic factors which are the living factors in an organism's environment. A habitat is where organisms live, but an ecosystem is the interactions between organisms and the biotic factors plus

  • Political Ecology And Environmental Ecology

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    and cultural ecology, which all relate to one another and therefore, could be described as ‘political ecology’. More specifically, in the article, “The political ecology of disease as one new focus of medical geography” by Jonathan D. Mayer, the author does an exceptional work in recognizing the main factors and how, throughout time, they have evolved into a new idea for the medical geography

  • Ecology

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    original Greek "oikos" means, "house". So ecology is "the study of the house" the place where you live, or the environment which technically includes all those factors, both nonliving and living, that affect an organism. Ecology then is the study of the interactions of organisms in their environment includes both the living (biotic) and physical (abiotic) factors of the environment. It's also the science, which formulates and tests hypotheses about environment. Ecology is the relationships, identification

  • Social Ecology

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    Introduction Social ecology is the conceptual principles for knowing the outcomes and relations of the many diverse individual and environmental factors. Social ecology is defined as the study of people within an environment, which have influence on one another. It’s believed to be the earth’s societies reflection upon itself, exploring, discovering, and considering its future (Gutkind, 1974). Factors of social ecology may include the infirmities of age, an increase of population, natural disasters

  • Ecology And Religion

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    The study of the relationship between religion and ecology introduces multivariate constructs of understanding identity, culture and the basic human life. For most people, religion and ecology relate in terms of various elements of nature. However, the relationship between the two concepts draws across different issues such as the element of originality and ethical relationship with the environment. For instance, religion teaches us about different elements of our origin and identity, as well as

  • The Benefits Of Ecology

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    It is very common to talk about ecology of the world. But what does ecology mean? Ecology is the science which studies the relationship between all forms of life in our planet and the environment. Long time ago, in the ancient times people lived in harmony with the environment. They lived using what Earth gave them. Air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, wood to build home, fuel to live warm, to heat his/her home. It seemed for people that the resources of nature had no limit. With the industrial

  • Personal Ecology

    2529 Words  | 6 Pages

    Personal Ecology A deep desire to cry. The hanging, haunting chant of Gordon Comes at Night, waves of sweat crystallizing on the skin, loosened joints, unfolded from the lodge into the cold night air. Wiped clean, nothing to say. Reach inside for a voice, a meaning, the distance between the earth and the moon in its fullness. Which orbits which? For a year I sat in the only seat that was not part of the circle. "Me" is still a long way off. Each stanza seems a step in a different direction.

  • Urban Ecology

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    assumptions similar to those that govern the natural world. Specifically, this theory holds the notion that the overall structure of cities is based on the struggle for limited land use. Over time, urban ecology has evolved to include a wider spectrum where it now generally refers to a subsection of ecology that studies the interactions among human beings, plants, and animals within an urban and metropolitan area, as well as the effects that urbanization have on natural ecosystems and biodiversity within

  • Ecology and the Biosphere

    1158 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ecology, or in Greek translation "study home", is the study of the interactions of organisms between it's enviornment. While biosphere means the whole worlds ecosystem. Why are these terms so important? The reason why they are important to everything on Earth because they hold and shape all organisms that live within them. Without organisms animals, plants, and everything that we know would never be able to survive. If ecology wasn't organized and delicate, the system wouldn't be the same to the

  • Ecology Essay

    1691 Words  | 4 Pages

    Define and explain the term ecology? What is an active eco-system? Ecology is defined as the scientific study of the interactions of living organisms with each other and with both their physical and chemical environment. It examines the entire scope of life from the microscopic organisms such as bacteria to mega processes that traverse the whole planet. Ecologists analyze many different and complex relations among the many lives on the earth. The areas of interest to an ecologist include diversity

  • Ecology Essay

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    The theory of Ecology is the study of relationships between organisms and the environment within an ecosystem. Ecology is everything to the human population. It covers a broad field including speciation and population dynamics. It is the study of biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) that depend and interact with each in the environment. Meaning it focuses on plants, animals, bacteria, rivers, mountains and even humans. With both abiotic and biotic factors in the same area ecologist call that an

  • Community Ecology Essay

    2136 Words  | 5 Pages

    1. Community ecology is considered as one of the cornerstones in the science of ecology. 1a Define the community ecology, discuss its potential contribution in strengthening the science of ecology? Community ecology is the study of patterns that can be connected with diversity, abundance and composition of species that are forming associated communities. Community ecology is also the study of processes that underlie those patterns. Community ecology or synecology has study of communities in its focus

  • Ecology Personal Statement

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    My interest in ecology started at an early age, when my father used to take me canoeing through the swamps of Louisiana, teaching me the names of the plants and animals as we went. When I was older, my father grew interested in the fire ecology that maintained the longleaf pine savannas that used to stretch across the South. He began doing experimental controlled burns on plots of forest on our property, and I would always help him out (the experiments were successful, by the way; native species

  • Indigenous Knowledge and Ecology

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    people were depicted as exotic “noble environmentalists” living “in harmony” with the non-human environment’. These perceptions have also shaped how environmental managers and policy-makers have understood and made use of Indigenous knowledge for ecology. Natural resource managers infor... ... middle of paper ... ...ontext, even though, as David N. Livingstone (2003) has so elegantly demonstrated, science is always ‘a view from somewhere’: the museum, the field, the botanical garden, the hospital

  • Deep Ecology

    1840 Words  | 4 Pages

    Deep Ecology/Ecosophy The ideas behind deep ecology have major implications today. They allow people to think more profoundly about the environment and possibly come to a better understanding of their own meaning. People are intensely concerned about the world’s technological adolescence, massive consumerism, and overpopulation. A man named Arne Naess, former head of the philosophy department at the University of Oslo founded an idea that can direct people’s anxiety away from their "shallow"

  • Items that Are Part of Ecology

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    When asked to consider the term ecology I have to look at what that word is defined as being. The dictionary defines it as, “The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings” (online dictionary, 2013). This is a very short definition for something that is comprised of so much once you start thinking about how many things affect an organisms physical surroundings. For this, I will be focusing on energy and chemical cycles, community

  • The Meaning of Ecology and Ecosystems

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    The meaning of Ecology is the connection that exists between living organisms and their environment. From the largest animal on Earth to the smallest, they all share our world with us. The ecosystem is connected by the flow of matter and energy and as organisms eat and dispose of matter it supplies them to sustain life. Across the planet various densities of uneven configurations accumulate minerals and nutrients. For example “Energy necessary for all life processes reaches the earth in the form

  • Essay On Forest Ecology

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    necessary to constantly monitor forest ecosystems in order to comprehend the various processes and factors that determine their ecology, function and patterns. This, in turn, will allow devising proper management strategies to continue satisfying human needs, especially in this era of global environmental change. It is in this perspective that one of the major goals of forest ecology is the knowledge of the mechanisms that drive life history variation among This is because there are direct links between

  • Macro Ecology Essay

    1623 Words  | 4 Pages

    Discerning the spatial patterns of biodiversity and understanding their ultimate (why) and proximate (how) causes is very dear to biogeography and is one of the key concepts of Macro ecology. Some places on earth contain more species as compared to others. All species occurring at a given space and time either originated (speciated) there or dispersed and arrived from another place and settled there. Biogeographers try to understand the past and current distributions of species by incorporating historical

  • Summary Of Silver And Ecology

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    Moore, J. W. (2007). Silver, ecology, and the origins of the modern world, 1450-1640. Rethinking Environmental History: World-System History and Global Environmental Change, 123-142. In this article, Moore aims to capture the story of how the rise of silver and its integration into the economy in the form of currency can be equated to the simultaneous rise of Capitalism. This took the early form exploitation of European lands establishing a nature-society relationship of domination. Soon afterwards