Importance Of Metaparadigm In Nursing

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The sciences, humanities, and arts to the nursing care Nursing is the ability to truly show a person, that you care, treat them with respect and dignity and be ready to take full responsibility of their care and make them trust you .Nursing is viewed as both an art and a science, reflecting upon the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. Nursing is an applied discipline which expresses itself in practice, and has its foundation rooted in scientific/empirical knowledge, theory, and research. Nursing is also expressed as a caring, therapeutic and teaching discipline. (Cumberland University, 2012)
In order for our patient to receive the best care and reach the maximum level of functioning, nurses have to be very knowledgeable …show more content…

Evidence-based practice has become a commonly used term in health care in the past few years. It is important for nurses to know what it means, how to use it, and how important it is in protecting patient safety (ONA, n.d). This class has helped me understand nursing research and evidence based practice in a very unique way. Before I joined this program I knew little about nursing research and I didn’t know the importance of evidence-based practice. This class has helped me to understand how to research and incorporate evidence based data into nursing practice. According to Polit and Beck (2014), nursing research is a systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to nurses, including nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing administration. Now I’m able to solve complex patient’s problem by using nursing research, analyze data and develop a care plan based on evidence practice.
This class has helped me to understand the importance of evidence-based practice in patients’ health conditions. This class taught me not to practice in a certain way just because that 's how it has been done or because I don’t know what else to implement. When taking care patients using just the knowledge you learned in school and experiences, sometimes it can be dangerous. Our patients will not going to be safe if we continue to give care that is not based on the best evidence

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