Benefits Of Science And Technology Essay

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Science and technology have been a big part in how we have grown economically and has enhanced our living standards tremendously. Science and technology grows and progresses very fast and that brings great benefits to us. “For example, the development of transportation has dramatically extended the range of human activities, genome research makes personalized medicine possible, and the advancement of information and communications technology (ICT) has minimized time and distance in communications.” (Alternative Energy for Transportation) Although science and technology has brought us great benefits, it has also had some major downfalls. It has led to some major humanity problems, and one of those major problems is climate change. Science and …show more content…

Although they have brought us benefits, they also have their downfalls. When we consume .oil, it is the cause for greenhouse gases to reach the atmosphere, climate change, and air pollution. While oil is a great fossil fuel, it is very limited which means the price of it is always increasing or staying high. “In view of the expected increase in global energy needs and of environmental concerns, we need to make rapid progress in energy efficiency and further develop a broad range of clean alternative energy sources to reduce emissions and solve climate change problems.” (Alternative Energy for Transportation) There have been many countries trying to develop and alternative energy source such as nuclear energy and solar power. They believe that nuclear energy should be the alternative for fossil fuels. It is less expensive than the power that is generated from oil. They have found two very reliable technologies that are called electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. If we are able to develop these two technologies within the next few years, it will have a huge impact on our future and it will help to also contain the price of oil and keep it

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