Pros And Cons Of Dress Code Policy In Schools

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America’s school systems seem to have many issues concerning students receiving a quality education without distraction. A current debate argues weather a dress code policy is efficient or takes away from student’s expression. Administrators at schools should regulate a dress code policy because the system improves discipline and student’s attention, reduces social conflict and peer pressure related to appearance, and dress code provides a more serious learning environment.

In 1996, President Clinton called for the use of uniforms to become effective in schools to help reduce violence, unfortunately this problem still continues. (Howard) Administrators at schools should regulate a dress code policy because improve discipline. In 2005, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) surveyed principals in schools across America who has adopted a dress code policy. The survey showed that 79% of the principals …show more content…

But, school is not the place to show student’s interests and likes, school is strictly for learning. If a student wants to wear a shirt that shows his/her’s religion, political view, or profanity, he or she can wear the clothing outside of school. Also a benefit to dress code in schools allows students to “expressive their individuality through their personality and academic achievements, not through clothing” (School Uniform). Jill Hamilton writes a book on the pros and cons of a dress code policy. She correctly states how school should be a business related environment. She states “Students should feel comfortable enough with themselves to portray their personality through themselves, not through their clothing. Their clothing should represent business attire, as they might have in the real world someday” (Hamilton, page 72). Hamilton writes her opinion on this in a nice manner, explaining that a dress code policy would ensure better

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