Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Year-round schools have become more common over the years. Many people think year-round schooling allows no breaks for their students, however, that is not the case. There are two types of year-round schooling, single track and multiple track. Single track is a year-round system in which all students and staff are on the same schedule. Whereas, with multiple track the students are broke into groups with one group on vacation, while the other group attends school, and then they rotate. However, the staff is continuously teaching. Schools should adopt a year-round education system, for the longer, more frequent breaks allow for schools to see a noticeable change in the attitude and attendance of their staff and students. The whole purpose of a school is to get students prepared for the real world. Throughout school, students will grow and change as well as adjust …show more content…

Although, year-round schooling does allow for students and staff to get breaks. In most cases, schools participating in a year-round system tend to go to school for nine weeks with a three week break in between. Throughout the course of the year, the students will be completing 180 days in the classroom, as goes for a traditional system. However, schools participating in a traditional system go to school for forty-five to ninety days, get a two week break, go back to school for forty-five to ninety days, and then get a 3 month summer. Just because a school district participates in a year-round system, does not mean the students and staff attending the school district go to school for more days throughout the year than the students and staff attending a school district that participates in a traditional system. The number of classroom days fitted into a year-round schedule is the same as a traditional schedule, expect broken down throughout twelve months, versus nine months.

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