Persuasive Essay On Creativity In Schools

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Students in public schools are continuously getting worse and worse grades. The grades are declining like a slinky on stairs, one step at a time. As students get older, the creativity within each grade decreases. For example: in kindergarten, students are constantly involved with the learning process by participating in activities that help the students understand the concept, while in the third grade, students are sitting in desks and taking notes and are expected to memorize what the notes are supposed to mean. Another issue with schools is the increase in homework. Rather than young students having the ability to be children after school, they are instead sent home with enough homework in a single night, to do all week. Special needs are not always acknowledged in schools when students need it most. In public schools there a lot more people in classes compared to a private campus. The …show more content…

As teacher, Marvin Bartle states in “Eleven Classroom Creativity Killers,” “Assessment without rationale gives no useful information that helps a person be creative” (Bartle). Within schools the teachers do not provide enough hands on experiences for students. In classes like chemistry, the hands on aspect is still present, but more and more notes are being taken while the students are in their desks looking up at a white board as the teacher drones on about the electrons, significant figures, and chromatography. As Bartle writes, “Hands-on practice is more creative and an even better way to remember what is learned” (Bartle). So, why are more and more teachers practicing the demonstration method, and not the hands on approach? These two “creativity killers,” as Mr. Bartle calls them, could be ceased and thus introduce much more creativity into the classroom. When a teacher realizes that the teaching method they are using is wrong, why not change

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