School Uniforms and their Benefits

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The debate over school uniforms has been going on for years. It is still under discussion in our education system today. Proponents believe school uniforms should be implemented in our public schools. Those who find the idea unappealing generally believe they would cause more problems than solve. Never the less, it's hard to deny the benefits that come from having school uniforms. Former President Bill Clinton is perhaps the most prominent and influential advocate of school uniforms. In a 1996 State of the Union address he said:
“If it means that the school rooms will be more orderly and more disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside instead of what they're wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms” (qtd In Mitchell 1).
Implementing a uniform policy in our public schools would benefit students socially, as well as academically. It would also provide a safer school environment and reduce the cost of school clothes for parents.
Having a school uniform policy can help schools provide a better learning environment in the sense that there are fewer distractions for students. One of the major distractions that schools without a uniform policy face is students being distracted by the wardrobe of other students rather than focusing on learning. In a school lacking a uniform policy it is not uncommon to see all different types of offensive and distasteful clothing. In a study conducted by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, sixty- seven percent of principals of schools with a uniform policy in place saw student concentration improve.(“School Distractions Stastics”)
A uniform policy also ...

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... stores to get the clothes. There are uniform stores available. Walk in, get your uniforms, and you are done.
Even though the debate over school uniforms has been going on for years and is not showing any signs of cooling off anytime soon. I think it’s imperative for people take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The goal in implementing school uniforms is not to hurt children in any way by taking away from their freedom of self-expression. The goal is to provide children with a better education. School uniforms are definitely not by any means a fix it all solution for the school problems we face today. But if having a school uniform can make it easier for children to feel safe and comfortable at school, less embraced because their parents can’t afford to buy them brand name clothes. Maybe even prevent a student from committing suicide. I say why not?

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