School Taxation and Distribution

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Taxation and distribution of money to schools, in the United Stated, are important because with this is determined the education of many students. The limits of the tax authority are in the Constitution of the United States and in the constitutions of the fifty states, in both clauses specifically enshrine this power in governments and other provisions relating to substantive due process, formal due process, and equality before the law, among others.The taxation in the properties as the sales taxes are still the primary source providing funds for schools in some states (Odden et al., 2008). Tax systems influence decisions of private agents. It is for this reason that its evolution and the principles that govern them will determine to some extent the economic development. Although the funds give great quantities of funding, many schools are still in deficient with the suitable funds to fulfill the requirements. The equality from the three major sources as the federal, state and local funding systems affect the schools administration by allocating the amount of funds its receives and where it will be coming from (Baker et al., 2012). A tax is a fee paid in exchange for specific benefits but is a way to distribute the cost of government. Brimley et al., (2012) mentions that the only benefit enjoyed by the taxpayer for the payment of taxes is the privilege of living in an established, organized and secure that the revenue from taxes will be devoted to public purposes society. Furthermore, it is important to look into the distribution, allocation strategies, the alignment of the allocation with the student’s outcomes, and the recommendations for district allocations.

Sources of Tax Money

The federal law usually does not interfere...

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National Center for Education Statistics (2006). Financial Performance and Indicators. Retrieved on March 11th, 2014. From

Odden, A., Goertz, M., Goetz, M., Archibald, S., Gross, B., Weiss, M., & Mangan, M. (2008). The Cost of Instructional Improvement: Resource Allocation in Schools Using Comprehensive Strategies to Change Classroom Practice. Journal Of Education Finance, 33(4), 381-405.

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