Persuasive Essay On Guns Against Guns

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Now more than ever the increase of in school massacres are starting to become more evident. The Sandy Hook and Oregon shootings are sending people searching for a way to keep their children safe when they are away from home receiving an education. This poses an issue, some people see it is fit for teachers to be armed with a gun in case of future attacks on the school. The outcome that will follow from arming teachers will be negative, but there is a solution that involves the protection of students without handing guns over to teachers.
First, having a firearm in a building full of children or young adults is asking for an accidental incident to happen. This scenario is no different than the curious kid who finds the thought to be secure firearm at their own home and mistakenly kills/maims themselves or someone else. As stated in a website for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention, “People who report “firearm access” are at twice the risk of homicide and more than three times the risk of suicide compared to …show more content…

More times than not teachers are not properly educated, prepared, or skilled enough to arm the gun and shoot it during high stress crisis. A school teacher, Mrs. Robinson commented, “I’m not sure I could even get to a gun in a drawer or closet to use it. I think my gut instinct would be getting my kids secured first” (CNNMoney). An untrained or barely trained faculty member with a firearm is more of a liability than an asset. The weapon could easily fall out of the hands of a briefly trained teacher and into the hands of the perpetrator. Even annual training is not enough training for a teacher to be skilled enough to handle a firearm. Therefore, it is negligent to supply teachers with minimal training the right to carry a firearm on school

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