The Romantic Era Of Romanticism In The Tyger By William Blake

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During the mid 1800’s was a remarkable era called the Romanticism. Some political and social milestones of this era included The American Revolution, The French Revolution, and The Industrial Revolution. During these events, the “theme” more or less was a type of laissez faire which means, “let the people do as they please.” WIlliam Blake was a famous poet in this time period, as well as Samuel Coleridge, William Wordsworth, and George Gordon. Novels and poems were written in this time to express the ways Romanticism was shown and how melancholy was trending. Melancholy is a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. In the poem by William Blake, “The Tyger”, Blake decided that the existence of good and evil is necessary …show more content…

In William Blake’s poem “The Tyger” seems to focus on having one 's reasons overwhelmed by the beauty and horror of the natural world, but it also includes religion and creation. In the beginning the tyger is being questioned about his creation, and who created him, “What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry (line 3-4). This quote is more or less asking, “who created you and why did they create you?”. A vital contrast is made throughout the poem of good and evil; beauty and horror, the tyger is said to possess both …show more content…

This made a reference to the eternal seperation of feelings and thoughts, the fight between two realities inside of one person. This ties in with the Romantic Era because Byron is expressing feelings for this lady and he’s showing it to the audience through his detailed words of her beauty. As well as The Scarlet Letter, another moving novel was published in this era, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. The theme of this story is “restrictions do not determine one’s character, that love conquers all”, it is, after all, referred to as the “romance novel”. The two words of the title have different meaning, but tie in together at the end. Pride is having a high opinion of one’s own worth or importance, while prejudice is making judgements about others which aren’t based on facts or experience. In the beginning, this novel was first titles “First Impressions”, then the narrator describes how the prejudices and the first impressions of the main character change throughout the

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