Save the Future: Better Days for the Living

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Global warming is on the rise and has been for many years now. Scientists have predicted that if we don't take control and affectively curb this world wide issue by the end of the century we will be doomed. Global warming is caused by the human use of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, which cause the earth’s atmosphere to overload with carbon dioxide causing disruptions in climate resulting in many disastrous consequences. Some consequences of global warming include drought, massive fires, hurricanes, and climate change which is the biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. The issue is bigger than that though, global warming is an immediate crisis that has a lasting effect on us environmentally as well as economically; the extinction of animals is on the rise, the eruption of war can cause more damage, sustainable development can bring us a bright future.
There are many species of animals that are endangered but I took the time to research the great panda bear. The giant Panda bear is one of the most loved and adored animals in the world and I am a proud factor of that belief. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 2004 the count was 1600 of pandas left in the wild which is terrifyingly disturbing. Pandas live in bamboo forests in the high mountains of western China where they are considered a national treasure. Pandas play a huge part in the bamboo forest, as they roam around their habitats they spread seeds and facilitate to help the growth of vegetation. They also bring huge economic benefits to the local communities through ecotourism. If they make the area more sustainable it will increase the quality of life in the local population and for the pandas. On May 12th 2008 in Sichuna, Ch...

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...n really impact our future for an extremely greater cost; saving the environment will produce world peace, animals and their habitats will live longer, we can save more money, the cancer rate, mortality rate, and obesity rate will show a major decrees. A clean and safer environment can lead to an improved lifestyle; riding bikes are fun and eco-friendly. The first step is always the hardest, but that feeling of a swelling heart and the smile on ones face will be priceless when they look over their shoulder and see their footprints leading the way for some else to follow.

Works Cited

Dell’Amore, Christine. “Pandas Sensed China Quake Coming?”
National Geographic News, 15 May 2008. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.
Gore, Al. “Global Warming Is an Immediate Crisis.” Reading for Today. Ed. Gary Goshgarian.
New York: Pearson Education Inc., 2008. 181. Print.

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