Career: A Career As A Career In Pharmacy

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I chose my past career pharmacy technician. A pharmacy technician assists the pharmacist in filling prescriptions for the patient. There are many different settings and positions in this career. My favorite is the inpatient hospital setting. The technicians prepare IVs, patient medicine trays, and sometimes packages them in the pharmacy so the nurse is able to scan the medications. Other settings include, retail pharmacy where one would interact with the customers, and the main job is to fill the prescription bottles, and sometimes mix up creams in the compounding lab.
A Pharmacy Technician career caught my interest after high school. My mother was a nurse at the time, and I was trying to figure out what to do with my life. A career in the medical field sounded great to me, and I love to help people. I had to find a suitable position and working in the pharmacy seemed like the type of career that met that requirement. Pharmacy is a great way to be a part of the medical field without having to see blood or change bandages.
Many aspects of sociology apply for this career. The field is always changing, and no matter the position the technician holds, other people are always involved. The retail pharmacy setting requires technicians to talk with people all day. Different …show more content…

Passing judgement is easy for us to do, and certainly should not be practiced in the workplace. When it comes to pharmacy, technicians are exposed to all sorts of issues of health that our society deals with. For example, we have a drug problem in our country, and many people need help coming off of them. Pharmacies often fill prescriptions that recovering addicts use for treatment. Sometimes the patience become irate, or abuse the medicine given to them. Sometimes poor people struggling to pay for their expensive medications, and beg you to cut them a break however, technicians can’t lower the price for

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