Witch Trials In The Salem Witch Trials

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The Salem Witch Trials: Everlasting accusations towards women during the 1960s

Throughout history, many attempts of accusations were settled in place against women. There were some cases where men were involved, however, women were the main targets behind the witch craze. When the topic, witches, is brought up in a conversation or writing a paper many, but not all, people think of the witch craze as an act by women to gain higher authority above men. Which could lead to things like, riding a broom stick, afflicting pain onto others, making potions, or sending animals out to kill. Therefore, women were more likely to be accused. Many factors influenced why women were accused during the witch craze. Fear, health issues, and the role of gender were mainly why women were captured and executed at the time of the Salem witch trials. The witch craze in Salem all started from two girls, Abigail Williams who was eleven and Betty Parris who was nine. The first incident that was noted took place when they began to act strangely. Which of course was terrifying because “illness all too often proved deadly.” However, this incident was nothing that had ever been …show more content…

However, Tituba “received special treatment.” She did not received special treatment because she was a Native American slave, she received treatment because she was the first woman accused of witchcraft. They thought if they kept her locked up she would confess and state all of the women that were participants in the witchcraft and the “accusers and judges hoped to continue using her as a witness against future suspects.” Which resulted in Tituba having the last trial amongst the witches. Tituba was however sent to jail because she was the slave to the family of Parrises’ making her an afflicter of the girls. When sent to trial Tituba confessed that she took part in worshipping Satan himself. Creating fear and chaos because the townspeople had the problem of witchcraft to deal

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