Love And Love In Janie's Pursuit Of Love

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It is human nature to desire the everlasting safety of belief. Belief that there is more than just securing a higher place on the food web. We are a species born from chaos hoping to search out, spread our wings, and find a place to call our refuge in a world that gives you an equal amount of terror and disregard with every blast of importance and luck that we get in our lives. Janie 's search for enlightenment has been unknowingly set into motion with the tides of the her pursuit of love. Her ebb and flow with partners portrays the perfect example of our conquest for joy, our crusade for hope, our holy war to find that which completes our very meaning. Janie gets the world stripped from her hands to illustrate how much love meant to her. When we go through life, we search for common reminders of tranquility; a fruit tree in the destroyed garden of Eden. For Janie, her pear tree was love. Its bloom was strong enough to brave the change of seasons over twenty years, but with each change in lover, the bloom of each tree changed, distorted. Love washes the absence of realism in who we are. Whether or not our portrayal of our ideal self is, the truth can only be held away for so long with no repercussion. We are faced in with a hard choice. “On each side of the fill was a great …show more content…

There was nothing lasting about their relationship. At first the view was deceptively beautiful. Clear skies and glistening streaks of water thrown across the landscape, but as the roaring streams of realization hit Janie about the nature of this relationship, the hurricane of disappointment, regret, self loathing flash with the lightning of a wasted youth smash into the township of reality. As the waters of drama raise inches to inches, feet to feet, and meter to meters, we must learn to float upon the surface of our decisions and reach for the floating cows and safety rafts to kiss the ground for the random luck of

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