Glastonbury Festival- Music Event

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5. Analyses 5.1Market Segmentation Caroline and Jennifer said that ‘Market segmentation is a crucial marketing strategy. Its aim is to identify and delineate market segments or set of buyers which would then become targets for the company’s marketing plans.’ (Tynan and Drayton, 1987) There are many ways to segment the market, such as age, region, environment, psychology and wages (Hall, Jones and Raffo, 2010). Because it is a music event which includes camping, so the attendees must be able to be free for less than three days. As the objective says, the attendees should better be young people so that this event could spread young culture. People who are young also will have the passion to attend music events. As the price of Glastonbury Festival is very high which could be hundreds of ponds for just three days, so the market segmentation should be people with high wage or students whose parents have high wages. To sum up, the market segmentation should be young people who have high wage or their parents have high wages, love to attend music events and may accept the way of camping for days. 5.2 Environmental Analysis 5.2.1 SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis form is showed as Appendix 2. From SWOT Analysis, the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats will be defined very clearly. The strength is very obvious; it is already a very big event so that it does not need to do a lot of promotions and it is becoming more popular. People, local company and the local government will support this event because it will bring a huge amount of tourism so that the local economy will increase as well. The weakness is also very clear. As there will be 177,500 attendees during the event, there will be a lot of garbage created and need to be colle... ... middle of paper ... ...Pringle, S. A. (2013). Recycling at UK Music Festival Survey. Retrieved 02 28, 2014, from Proctor, T. (2005). Essentials of marketing research. Pearson Education. Rawlinson, J. (2013). Music Festival Tourism Worldwide - International - June 2013. Retrieved 02 28, 2014, from Mintel Report: Stelzner, M. A. (2013). 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Retrieved 02 28, 2014, from Social Media Tsiarta, C. &. (2011). Glastonbury Festival 2010 post-event report. Retrieved 02 28, 2014, from Tynan, A. C. (1987). Market Segmentation. Journal of Marketing Management.

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