Ruth Everhart: The Stories Of Ruth Tucker And Ruth Everhart

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After going through and continuing to go through immense pain and searching for answers, it was powerful to hear the stories of both Ruth Tucker and Ruth Everhart. Although Ruth Tucker describes meeting her husband on Word of Life in New York as falling in love with her Prince Charming in a perfect "Garden of Eden", her relationship with the articulate and intelligent young man did not go as smooth as it once promised. However, Satan convinced her to not think deeply or overanalyzes his behavior. He eventually opened up and told her about his track record of being expelled from college and arrested, she was persuaded that this aspect of his being was in his past and he had changed. Thoughts of concern about the man, now minister, were quickly …show more content…

Upon hearing this, my heart went out to hear and all of those who experience such unsafety amongst the comfort of their loved ones and homes. Furthermore, she made us aware of the regularity of domestic abuse and other marital problems within all of our congregations. Despite all appearing seemingly perfect on Sunday mornings, it made me reflect on my experiences at my church and has enabled me to be more empathetic. Before she had mentioned how common it was, I did not realize that their likely is multiple situations within my church and made me desire to be more welcoming and friendly for I was reminded I really do not know what goes on beyond the pews. Moreover, she touched on the shame and confusion of seeking help as her husband continued to be her minister and people finding out would mean him being fired, but getting divorced did not ensure full custody because there was no reason to believe the intelligent minister was capable of this rage and behavior. Eventually she became divorced and found her voice, but hearing her story makes me concerned with who I date. Even though an individual may seem great, it is scary to think of what they are capable …show more content…

On Sunday, November 6, two men with masks broke into her house proclaiming it was a robbery. After having the girls show them around and point everything of value and multiple trips to the car, the man proceeded to take each girl into their bedrooms one by one to rape them. The events happened from midnight until 6 a.m. and left them empty, broken, ashamed, and tied up with speaker wire. Everything the intelligent and extremely nice girl knew about God was over. Shame manipulated her existence as a shadow was casted between her and all those who have not been raped. It was difficult to think about going through such immense trauma while my best friend and support system was receiving the same brokenness. Through playing the blame game and the feeling of being punished by God, she thought of her life as before the rape and after the rape. It is hard for me to imagine a single moment defining my life, specifically one with so much damage effects. To help treat these effects, she raised an interesting perspective about how people and church can react and help those who are victims. First of all, she pointed out that all have to be treated with the same respect no matter what part of their body was harmed. To explain this she used an outline of the difference in reaction someone

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